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 Password Protecting eProducts

Another way to protect your digital products is by way of password encryption placed directly on the .zip file. To go even further, you can also password protect your PDF files by applying a password that is necessary to "unlock" the contents of the ebook.

WinZip(, a free trial program, offers you the option of placing a password requirement to your customers to even open the .zip file straight from the beginning. Now, the drawback to this is that once your customer pays, you have to provide them with the password to "unlock" their product. Nothing else can be done once the .zip file product has been unlocked successfully.

So, what else can be done to secure your files from thieves?

How about password protecting your web pages? This is a good place to begin. And, for the most part, it is easily done through your Cpanel, or whatever site administration tool your web hosting provider has set up. For the sake of this guide, we will assume you are using Cpanel since this is the most common system.

First Step: Log in to your site administration panel.

Second Step: Once logged in, from the main administration, or Cpanel, page, find the "Password Protected Directory" link and click it.

Third Step: Select the folder inside your web site that you wish to make only accessible via password and click the folder name/link.

Fourth Step: Next, you should be ushered to a new page where you can click a check box that enables you to password protect the selected folder. Click the check box and hit "Save".

Fifth Step: After the above step, you should be taken to another page that confirms that the folder you chose is now password protected. Underneath this message you should find this link: "Go Back". Click that link.

Sixth Step: Once transfered back, underneath the box you just clicked in step four, you will see an area where you can input desired username/password combinations. Start adding username/password combinations. Each time you add one, remember to hit the "Add User" button. Also, it's important you keep a list of ALL your username/password combinations so you don't forget what they are in case a customer has a problem later on.

Seventh Step: Be sure to test your newly password protected folder. Make sure all the username/password combinations you've selected work properly. Also, try and use other username/password combinations to be certain that only those you've selected will grant entry inside your protected folder.

As a side note to the above process, it's a really smart idea to randomly change your username/password combinations around every other day or so to keep digital thieves at bay. If this is too short of a time frame for you, then consider doing it on a weekly basis.

Another option is to use a system such as JVManager Fantasos[ENTER YOUR AFF LINK HERE] or Tradebit. Either one of these provides individual links, and automated username/password combos to your customers after they have made their payment to retrieve their downloads. Without you having to do anything extra.

Tradebit is of course the cheaper option at around $1.99 per month. But JVManager is the more complete solution without any required payments for services, or disk space restrictions. Either way they both equal out to your digital products being all the more safe from unscrupulous bandits.

Now, there is one last thing to tell you about. If you are someone who runs an exclusive membership site and you collect subscription payments via PayPal, you can have PayPal randomly select passwords for each of your customers. Of course you can get more details inside your merchant account once you log in to PayPal. Try setting up a subscription payment button and you will find this option. Then simply read up on using it. This author doesn't personally use this and assumes there is some "behind the scenes" work you'll need to do with your IPN. And, if that all sounded "Greek" to you, then you may want to think about picking up a copy of [YOUR PRODUCT OF CHOICE HERE] for further information. It's a good read and will teach you a lot.

Password protection is a terrific choice when it comes to securing your digital downloads. And it's one you should be using every single day.

Article Details
Article ID: 871
Created On: 08 Oct 2009 03:45 AM

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