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 What is a Squeezepage?

A squeeze page is a web page that is specifically designed to compel visitors to opt in to your web site. A well-designed squeeze page can convert as many as half of the people who visit it, into opt in email list subscribers.

In order for the squeeze page to be able to do its work most effectively, there must be no other way for the visitor to get into your web site without opting in first to your opt in email list.

So the squeeze page will have an opt in box that leads to your autoresponder, and that is the only action that someone would be able to do at that point.

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In my case, my index page is a squeeze page. This means that for anyone to get to any of the other pages in my website, including my sales pages, that they have to opt in to my email list first.

Now, you may be thinking, but what about all the others that didn’t opt in to the list? What if they would have bought something from me?

Well, let me ask you this. If they don’t trust you enough to opt in to your list, to give you their email and name in exchange for a free gift, do you really think that that person is going to whip out their credit card and give you their credit card number? Of course not.

By getting a 50% conversion rate on visitors to subscribers, I have effectively created a 5000% increase in responsiveness on my index. Now, my current conversion rate on my opt in email list is about 20% - meaning that if we were to convert that to the full 100% of visitors, then my overall conversion rate would be about 10%. Now, if I had not subscribed the visitors, then my conversion rate might be around 1% (about average, from what I hear). So I have created a 1000% increase in revenue by using the squeeze page for my index, or main, page.

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Article Details
Article ID: 1102
Created On: 19 Dec 2009 05:03 PM

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