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Support Center » Knowledgebase » Distribution Rights » Could you please clarify this statement "you're not allowed to claim full ownership".
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 Could you please clarify this statement "you're not allowed to claim full ownership".
Solution When some product creators create a new product they like to put a stipulation in stating that "You cannot claim full authorship (or ownership). This means that if you purchased a private label rights, or master resale resale rights product and this statement is included in the "Reseller Agreement" the following rules apply:

1) Master Resale Rights - The statement means this product may in no way be changed or duplicated and all copyright claims remain with the original autohr.

2) Private Label Rights - The statement means as long as this product is not altered with new content, and the original artwork ie; eBook Cover, Box Cover, or Original Salespage, are all the same then you may not claim full authorship.

However, if you are going to change everything, including the product name, then you can claim full authorship.

Article Details
Article ID: 309
Created On: 02 Jul 2008 11:30 PM

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