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 Make Money Teaching E Commerce

If you understand the concept behind e commerce, that its simple definition is the electronic exchange of goods or services, you can making money teaching e commerce to business owners.  You can do this in several different ways.

If you already have a website set up for any kind of e commerce, you can use that as an example to show other business owners.  In your local community there are several small businesses who might not yet have an Internet presence.  You can contact these business owners and discuss with them their need to put their presence online, even if just to offer information to those who might be searching on the products they have for sale, even if they don't plan on selling any items through their website.

Small local businesses have their regular stable of customers, but they need to constantly bring new customers in as well.  Even if the business owner doesn't want to put items for sale online and deal with that aspect of the business, a website that offers information to Internet searchers can increase their business.

With some study of Internet marketing and search engine-operation including how keywords figure into search results and search engine rankings, you can offer the business owner the relevant information for a fee.  You can charge for a consultation in which you lay out a plan for the business owner to create a presence online to draw in more customers.

If you're thinking that teaching e commerce is something you're not qualified to do, consider that there are dozens, maybe hundreds, of e commerce packages already available online.  For one price, a business owner can purchase a website hosting plan, an advertising package, information about how to promote and rank high in the search engines, and create the website, usually with the help of software that does all the technical work for you.  You don't even have to understand most of what the package offers, in order to profit from it.

If you understand e commerce, and can convey a little information to the business owner about how a good website can increase his business by teaching him e commerce and the advantages it has over regular commerce, you can profit from the packages that other people have already created through affiliate marketing. 

One of the ways the people and companies who create these all-in-one packages sell so many of them is through affiliate marketing. This is a simple concept-they create the package, then they allow other people to promote the package for them.  When a package is sold thanks to the effort of someone else (tracked by the link the purchaser used to get to the package) the seller, known as the affiliate marketer, is paid a percentage of that sale.

Once you follow the directions at the site of the package you want to market, you can market it online, and also profit by teaching e commerce and selling packages to local businesses.

Article Details
Article ID: 741
Created On: 07 Oct 2009 08:41 PM

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