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 How do I setup a product for sale and automated download using PayPal?

We get this question very often. It may seem difficult at first, but in fact it is very easy once you have done it once or twice. This response is assuming that you are using standard a HTML website to display and sell your products.

  1. First upload your salespage ( we provide you this with most of our products) to your server. Depending on your method of upload you might FTP your files up, or use a software like Photoshop, or MS FrontPage.
  2. Upload your downloadable file (that's the file or ebook your are selling) to a folder on your server. For instance a folder called "Downloads", *recommended that you create this folder in your root directory for security reasons.
  3. Go to your PayPal to set your payment buttons to the amount you want to charge for that product.
  • From within your account click on "Merchant Services" tab.
  • Under "Key Features", click on "Buy Now" buttons.
  • Enter in the desired information about the product.
  • At bottom of the page select "More Options"
  • Make whatever choices you like here, but on the "Successful Payment URL" filed, enter in the location fo the file you have just sold. Using the example above the location might be ""
  • Create your button

That's really it in a nutshell. You can toy around with adding your own button images rather than using the ones that PayPal provides.

*Note: The reason that we recommend that you place your download folder in your root directory is because your files are less likely to be stolen because the thief cannot access the parent directory, as they will be taken right to your homepage.


Another alternative is to store your files on , this is a PayPal company that will host your downloads securely for a fee.

Article Details
Article ID: 4
Created On: 14 Sep 2007 06:15 AM

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