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 Can I copy the content of a resale rights ebook and use it as my own content?

That depends on the licensing of the package when you bought it. You already know the 3 types of licensing - private label rights, master resale rights and resell rights. By right, you should already know that all private label rights allow you to use the content as your own.

You can break the content into pieces and post it on your blog, rewrite it and then submit it as article to article directory, and combine it and totally change it into a different material. Private label licensing allows that.

Most master resale rights prohibit breaking the material up. You can combine a few master resale rights (MRR) and create a new package. But you can't break it up. It must be passed along as it is. Some MRR let you offer them free to your paid membership members as an incentive for joining.

And obviously for plain resell rights, copying the content and claiming it as your own content is out of the question.

Article Details
Article ID: 1108
Created On: 20 Dec 2009 09:36 PM

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