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 When I upload my salespage you provided I am getting image errors, how do I correct this?
Solution Most of our resell rights items do come with the full sales page, but unfortunately sometimes the salepages are not well organized by the orginal page designer. We do try to catch these errors as often as we can but occasionally they do get by us.

depending on how you upload your salespages to your website, we will try to make it as generalized as I can.

Depending on which web design software you use, like Photoshop, MS FrontPage, or say an online design software, most often, the salespages will upload no problem, but the images sometimes do not come up so easy. The best way to fix this is to insert the images where they belong on your new salespage using your web design software after you hasve uploaded the salespage.

In most cases before you upload the salespage to your website, you get a chance to edit it on you own computer. . What you will need to do is reinsert the images into the proper locations on your sales page using "insert image" option in your web design software...

to do this- read note below;

Note: sometimes you will even have a salespage that looks fine on your computer, but when you upload it, the images do not propagate to your (online) salespage. This is more common than you know. So the easy remedy is to click on the images of the salespage where your bought the product , and "save as" onto a file (folder on your own computer), and download the proper images to your hard drive ( the folder that the product and sale page reside in). Now you have control over them. This will add the image properly to your page, before uploading. This is a 100% correct fix for that problem, so If you are still having images errors after you do this step, then contact us because you are doing it wrong.

After you have completed the above steps, upload (or relupload) all of your salespage files to you website. It should be normal at that point.

Note: Please remember that if you happen to purchase a resale product form the Internet and it does not include the salespage ( as it almost almost alway should), then you should first request the original salepage from the seller, and if not available copy it from their
salespage. But you cannot just copy and paste it it to your website, you will have to copy the entire page into your web design software, the right click on (all) pictures on that page and save them to a file on your computer, then re insert them into the salespage that you have just copied. The text, will be no problem it copies over easily, but image do not, you MUST save them to your comp

Article Details
Article ID: 3
Created On: 14 Sep 2007 06:12 AM

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